MA2008B LINEAR ALGEBRA II, Spring 2020



Instructor: Prof. Suh-Yuh Yang (楊肅煜)

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00~12:00 am or by appointment


Teaching Assistant: 曾柏逸/研究室: M208, Tel: 65142, E-mail:


Prerequisites: MA2007 Linear Algebra I.


Textbook: Gilbert Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, International Edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2019.

                  (台灣代理商:滄海書局,台中市西屯區台灣大道3段540號11F, Tel: 04-27088787) 



        (Math 18.06)




Course Objective:

  • To introduce the beauty and variety of linear algebra, and its extreme usefulness.

  • To see how the applications of linear algebra reinforce the key ideas.

  • This course will move gradually and steadily from numbers to vectors to subspaces.

General Information: This course will cover the following topics

  • Gram-Schmidt process and QR factorization

  • Determinants

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  • Linear transformations

  • Complex vectors and matrices

Grading Policy: midterm1 25%, midterm2 25%, final exam 25%,

                         quizzes and others 25% (almost everyweek) (學期總成績/四捨五入)



Quizzes: Quiz1, Quiz2, Quiz3, Quiz4, Quiz5, Quiz6, Quiz7, Quiz8, Quiz9, Quiz10,


Teaching or learning Linear Algebra: abstract approach or matrix approach. This course adopts matrix approach!


Artificial Intelligence <-- Machine Learning

                                   <-- Linear Algebra, Probability/Statistics, Optimization,

                                         Scientific Computing (Numerical Analysis).


Last updated: April 01, 2020