Page 59 - Vector Analysis
P. 59
§2.6 The Inverse Function Theorem 55
分不為零的條件該怎麼呈現,這是第一個問題。而當我們觀察 (A.1),應該可以猜出在多
變數版本裡面所該對應到的條件,即是 (Df )(x) 這個 bounded linear map 的可逆性。
另外,假設 f P C 1,那麼由 Theorem 1.87 我們知道在一個點 x0 如果 (Df )(x0) 可逆
的話,那麼在一個鄰域裡 (Df )(x) 都可逆。所以下面這個反函數定理的條件中只有 (Df )
Before proceeding, we first prove the following important proposition which is used
crucially in the proof of the inverse function theorem.
Proposition 2.60 (Contraction Mapping Principle). Let F Ď Rn be a closed subset (on
which every Cauchy sequence converges), and Φ : F Ñ F be a contraction mapping; that
is, there is a constant θ P [0, 1) such that
››Φ(x) ´ Φ(y)››Rn ď θ}x ´ y}Rn .
Then there exists a unique point x P F , called the fixed-point of Φ, such that Φ(x) = x.
Proof. Let x0 P F , and define xk+1 = Φ(xk) for all k P N Y t0u. Then
}xk+1 ´ xk}Rn = ››Φ(xk) ´ Φ(xk´1)››Rn ď θ}xk ´ xk´1}Rn ď ¨ ¨ ¨ ď θk}x1 ´ x0}Rn ;
thus if ℓ ą k,
}xℓ ´ xk}Rn ď }xk ´ xk+1}Rn + }xk+1 ´ xk+2}Rn + ¨ ¨ ¨ + }xℓ´1 ´ xℓ}Rn
ď (θk + θk+1 + ¨ ¨ ¨ + θℓ´1)}x1 ´ x0}Rn
ď θk(1 + θ + θ2 + ¨ ¨ ¨ )}x1 ´ x0}Rn = θk θ }x1 ´ x0}Rn . (2.8)
Since θ P [0, 1), lim θk θ }x1 ´ x0}Rn = 0; thus
@ ε ą 0, D N ą 0 Q }xk ´ xℓ}Rn ă ε @ k, ℓ ě N .
In other words, txku8k=1 is a Cauchy sequence in F . By assumption, xk Ñ x as k Ñ 8 for
some x P F . Finally, since Φ(xk) = xk+1 for all k P N, by the continuity of Φ we obtain that
Φ(x) = lim Φ(xk) = lim xk+1 = x
kÑ8 kÑ8
which guarantees the existence of a fixed-point.