Page 54 - Vector Analysis
P. 54

50 CHAPTER 2. Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables

Theorem 2.48 (Piola’s identity). Let ψ : Ω Ď Rn Ñ ψ(Ω) Ď Rn be a C 2-diffeomorphism,
and [aij]nˆn be the adjoint matrix of ∇ψ. Then

                                             Einstein’s summationn

                                          ÿ Bconvention                                               (2.6)
                                 a , ” a = 0.ji j
                                                       B xj=1         ji

In other words, each column of the adjoint matrix of the Jacobian matrix of ψ is divergence-
free (see Definition 4.74).

Proof.  Let J = det(∇ψ) and A = (∇ψ)´1.                Then aji       = JAji .   Moreover, since A∇ψ  = In,

ř Arj ψ,rs = δjs; thus
                                 [   n         ]        n  [Ajr,k ψ,rs       Ajr ψ,rsk ]
r=1                                     Ajrψ,rs ,k
                                    ÿ                  ÿ

                        0     =                     =                     +

                                    r=1 r=1

which, after multiplying the equality above by Asi and then summing over s, implies that

                                                            n                                         (2.7)

                                        Aij,k = ´ ÿ Arj ψ,rskAsi .


As a consequence, by Theorem 2.36 we conclude that

                   n     B    (JAij )  =   n n[                  ´                  ]        =  0.    ˝
                        B xj              ÿ ÿ JArsψ,srjAij              JArj ψ,rsj Ais
                                          j=1 r,s=1

2.5.3 The Chain Rule

Theorem 2.49. Let U Ď Rn and V Ď Rm be open sets, f : U Ñ Rm and g : V Ñ Rℓ be
vector-valued functions, and f (U) Ď V. If f is differentiable at x0 P U and g is differentiable
at f (x0), then the map F = g ˝ f defined by

                                         F (x) = g f (x) @ x P U

is differentiable at x0, and

                                                       ( )(                               )
                        (DF )(x0)(h) = (Dg) f (x0) (Df )(x0)(h)

or in component,

                              []             =   m     B gi  (   (x0   )  B  fk  (x0)  .
                               (DF )(x0) ij            B yk   f       )   B  xj

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