Page 52 - Vector Analysis
P. 52

48 CHAPTER 2. Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables

Then fx(0, 0) = 1 and fy(0, 0) = 0. However,

           ˇ[                                     ]  []    ˇ         |x|y2
           ˇf (x, y) ´ f (0, 0) ´ 1              0    x    ˇ
           ˇ                                          y    ˇ

                        ax2 + y2                              =     (x2  +  y  2  )  3  Û 0 as (x, y) Ñ (0, 0).

Therefore, f is not differentiable at (0, 0). On the other hand, f is continuous at (0, 0) since

                ˇˇf (x, y) ´ f (0, 0)ˇˇ = ˇˇf (x, y)ˇˇ ď |x| Ñ 0 as (x, y) Ñ (0, 0).

2.5.2 The Product Rules

Proposition 2.45. Let U Ď Rn be an open set, and f : U Ñ Rm and g : U Ñ R be
differentiable at x0 P A. Then gf : A Ñ Rm is differentiable at x0, and

                       D(gf )(x0)(v) = g(x0)(Df )(x0)(v) + (Dg)(x0)(v)f (x0) .                                                (2.3)

Moreover,  if  g(x0)   ‰ 0,  then     f    :A    Ñ   Rm    is  also      differentiable  at  x0,       and   D(  f  )(x0)  :  Rn  Ñ
                                      g                                                                          g
Rm is given by

                  (f )                               ()                                                (x0)
                D g (x0)(v)                   g(x0)  (Df      )(x0)(v) ´ (Dg)(x0)(v)f
                                           =                          g2(x0)                                 .                (2.4)

Proof. We only prove (2.3), and (2.4) is left as an exercise.
    Let A be the Jacobian matrix of gf at x0; that is, the (i, j)-th entry of A is

                             B   (gfi)  (x0)     =  g(x0)     B fi  (x0)  +  Bg         (x0)fi(x0)  .
                                 B xj                         B xj           B xj

Then Av = g(x0)(Df )(x0)(v) + (Dg)(x0)(v)f (x0); thus

          (gf )(x) ´ (gf )(x0) ´ A(x ´ x0) = g(x0) f (x) ´ f (x0) ´ (Df )(x0)(x ´ x0)

                                                      + g(x) ´ g(x0) ´ (Dg)(x0)(x ´ x0) f (x)
                                                         ( )( )

                                                      + (Dg)(x0)(x ´ x0) f (x) ´ f (x0) .

Since (Dg)(x0) P B(Rn, R), }(Dg)(x0)}B(Rn,R) ă 8; thus using the inequality

                          ˇˇ(Dg)(x0)(x ´ x0)ˇˇ ď ››(Dg)(x0)››B(Rn,R)}x ´ x0}Rn

and the continuity of f at x0 (due to Theorem 2.40), we find that

      ˇ  ˇˇ(Dg)(x0)(x  ´  x0)ˇˇ                            ˇ
lim                              ››f  (x)  ´  f  (x0)››Rm  ˇ  ď  lim      ››(Dg)(x0)››B(Rn,R)››f (x)         ´  f (x0)››Rm    =  0.
      ˇ }x ´ x0}Rn                                         ˇ
xÑx0                                                             xÑx0
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