Page 61 - Vector Analysis
P. 61

§2.6 The Inverse Function Theorem                                                                                   57

thus at most one x satisfies φy(x) = x; that is, φy has at most one fixed-point. As a
consequence, f : B(x0, δ) Ñ Rn is one-to-one.
Claim: The set V = f (U) is open.

Proof of claim: Let b P V. Then there is a P V with f (a) = b. Choose r ą 0 such that

B(a, r) Ď U. We observe that if y P B(b, λr), then

}φy(a)  ´  a}Rn  ď  }A´1(y   ´       )     ď   }A´1}B(Rn,Rn)}y   ´ b}Rn      ă     λ}A´1}B(Rn,Rn)r         =  r  ;
                                f (a) }Rn                                                                     2

thus if y P B(b, λr) and x P B(a, r),

}φy(x)     ´     a}Rn  ď  ››φy(x)  ´  φy (a)››Rn  +  }φy(a)   ´  a}Rn  ă     1     ´  a}Rn  +  r  ă  r  .
                                                                             2 }x              2

Therefore, if y P B(b, λr), then φy : B(a, r) Ñ B(a, r). By the continuity of φy,

                                      φy : B(a, r) Ñ B(a, r) .

On the other hand, (2.9) implies that φy is a contraction mapping if y P B(b, λr); thus by the
contraction mapping principle (Proposition 2.60) φy has a unique fixed-point x P B(a, r).
As a result, every y P B(b, λr) corresponds to a unique x P B(a, r) such that φy(x) = x or
equivalently, f (x) = y. Therefore,

                                    B(b, λr) Ď f B(a, r) Ď f (U) = V .

Next we show that f ´1 : V Ñ U is differentiable. We note that if x P B(x0, δ),

           }(Df )(x0)  ´  (Df )(x)}B(Rn,Rn)}A´1}B(Rn,Rn)         ă  λ}A´1}B(Rn,Rn)          =  1  ;

thus Theorem 1.87 implies that (Df )(x) is invertible if x P B(x0, δ).
    Let b P V and k P Rn such that b + k P V. Then there exists a unique a P U and

h = h(k) P Rn such that a + h P U, b = f (a) and b + k = f (a + h). By the mean value

theorem and (2.9),

                                ››φy(a  +  h)  ´  φy (a)››Rn  ă  1        ;
                                                                 2 }h}Rn

thus the fact that f (a + h) ´ f (a) = k implies that

                                      }h  ´ A´1k}Rn  ă  1
                                                        2 }h}Rn

which further suggests that

                    1        ď  }A´1k}Rn   ď   }A´1}B(Rn,Rn)}k}Rn      ď     1         .                      (2.10)
                    2 }h}Rn                                                  2λ }k}Rn
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