Page 63 - Vector Analysis
P. 63

§2.7 The Implicit Function Theorem                        59

points are local maximum points or local minimum points of f which implies that f is not
locally invertible even though we have f 1(0) = 1 ‰ 0. One cannot apply the inverse function
theorem in this case since f is not C 1.

Corollary 2.65. Let U Ď Rn be open, f : U Ñ Rn be of class C 1, and (Df )(x) be invertible
for all x P U. Then f (W) is open for every open set W Ď U.

    在證明了小區域的(local)反函數定理 (Theorem 2.61) 之後,我們接下來要問的是全
不是只要 (Df )(x) 在整個區域都可逆就能得到在全域的反函數都存在。以下給個反例說

Example 2.66. Let f : R2 Ñ R2 be given by

      f (x, y) = (ex cos y, ex sin y) .

Then                                []
      [ ] ex cos y ´ex sin y
      (Df )(x, y) =                                    .
                                    ex sin y ex cos y

It is easy to see that the Jacobian of f at any point is not zero (thus (Df )(x) is invertible for
all x P R2), and f is not globally one-to-one (thus the inverse of f does not exist globally)
since for example, f (x, y) = f (x, y + 2π).

 況下,導數是 sign definite 就表示函數在全域是嚴格單調的。在高維度的情況,即使是
 (Df )(x) 到處都可逆,仍然有很多情況可能發生(如上例)。下面這個定理(全域的反函
 立的:因為如果一單變數函數的導數是 sign definite,那麼函數在邊界上必定是一對一的

 Theorem 2.67 (Global Existence of Inverse Function). Let D Ď Rn be open, f : D Ñ Rn
 be of class C 1, and (Df )(x) be invertible for all x P K. Suppose that K is a connected(連
 通,即只有一塊), closed and bounded subset of D, and f : B K Ñ Rn is one-to-one. Then
 f : K Ñ Rn is one-to-one.

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