

 1. 本課程本學期暫訂兩次期中考一次期末考,學期成績由三次大考成績決定。

  We will have two midterms and one final, and the grade for this course will be determined by these 3 exams. No homework assignment has to be turned in.

 2. 本課程第二、三週因為老師出國訪問的關係不上課。六個小時的課程將於第四週開始連續六週的星期四 1-2PM 補課。

  The course in the second and the third week (2/24, 2/25, 3/2, 3/3) will be cancelled, and the make up courses will be provided on Thursday 1-2PM starting from the 4th week for the consecutive 6 weeks.

 3. 第一次演習課上課時間是 3/14 下午六點半。

  The first discussion session will be held on Mar. 14 6:30pm.

 4. 三月廿八日星期一晚上的演習課因故取消!

  The discussion session on Mar. 28 is cancelled.

 5. 三月卅一日上課時所寫的 Euler method 解 x'=sin x^2 的 matlab code

  The matlab code mentioned in the lecture on March 31.

 6. 四月十三日上午十點到十二點第一次期中考。考試範圍是教科書第七、八兩章(教科書第八章僅供參考,確定內容可參考 Lecture Note)。

  The first midterm will be held on April 13, Wednesday, from 10AM to 12PM. It will cover Chapter 7 and 8 from the textbook, but please see Section 6.6 in the lecture note for the detial of chapter 8.

 7. 期中考允許攜帶列印之 Lecture Note 入場。

  You can bring in the print-out of the Lecture Note in the midterm for your reference.

 8. 第一次期中考訂正於四月廿七日與期中考答案卷一起收回。

  You should turn in the corrections of the first midterm no later than April 27 for additional points.

 9. 第二次期中考考試時間:五月十一日上午十點到十二點。考試範圍是教科書第六章(Lecture Note 第七章)。

  The second midterm will be held on May 11, Wednesday, from 10AM to 12PM. It will cover Chapter 6 of the textbook (or Chapter 7 of the Lecture Note).

 10. 第二次期中考訂正於五月廿五日與期中考答案卷一起收回。

  You should turn in the corrections of the second midterm no later than May 25 for additional points.

 11. 第一次期中考解答公布。

 12. 第二次期中考解答公布。

 13. 期未考時間:六月十五日上午十點到十二點。考試範圍是教科書第十章 10-1 到 10-7(Lecture Note 第八章)。

  The final exam will be held on Jun 15, Wednesday, from 10AM to 12PM. It will cover Chapter 10 (10-1 to 10-7) of the textbook (or Chapter 8 of the Lecture Note).

 14. 期末考解答公布。

Office hour and office:

 鴻經館 310,星期四 1PM--2PM 或是另約。

 M310, Thursday 1-1PM or appointment.


 星期一 6:30-7:30PM。

 Monday 6:30-7:30PM.


 Boyce & DiPrima: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 10th Edition


 1. 請參考 Learning Styles 網站測出的學習模式,以自己有優勢的學習方式認真學習。

  Please connect to Learning Styles to determined your own learning style, and adjust your way of learning accordingly.

上課 Lecture Note 精簡版

建議習題(Suggested Assignment):

 Section 7.4: 4, 8, 9

 Section 7.5: 17, 18, 19, 22 29, 31

 Section 7.6: 8, 10, 22, 27, 28(a)(b)(d), 29

 Section 7.8: 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

 Section 7.7: 9, 15, 17, 18

 Section 7.9: 4, 14, 15, 16, 17

 Section 8.1: 23

 Section 8.2: 14, 22

 Section 6.1: 15, 16, 18, 19, 30, 31

 Section 6.2: 28, 29, 36, 37, 38, 39

 Section 6.3: 20, 21, 25, 34, 39

 Section 6.4: 16(b), 19(a)(b), 21(a)(b), 23(a)

 Section 6.5: 16(a)(b)(c), 25(a)(b)

 Section 6.6: 2, 3, 7, 10, 12(a)(b), 21, 22, 27, 28, 29

 Section 10.1: 11, 13, 17, 20, 21

 Section 10.2: 28, 29

 Section 10.3: 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19

 Section 10.4: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

 Section 10.5: 1, 2, 4, 8, 21, 22, 23

 Section 10.6: 7, 8, 15, 20, 21

 Section 10.7: 13, 16(a)(b)(c)(d), 17, 18, 22, 23

其它資源(Other Resources):

 Learning Styles

 Khan Academy 的微分方程開放式課程