Page 40 - Vector Analysis
P. 40

36 CHAPTER 2. Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables

4. If A Ď Rn is closed and bounded, and f : A Ñ Rm is continuous, then for each ε ą 0
   we can choose δ depending only on ε such that

      }f (x) ´ f (y)}Rm ă ε whenever }x ´ y}Rn ă δ and x, y P A .

       The property (that δ can be chosen independent of the point x0) is called uniform

Theorem 2.14. Let U Ď Rn be open, and f : U Ñ Rm be a vector-valued function. Then
the following assertions are equivalent:

1. f is continuous on U.

2. For each open set V Ď Rm, f ´1(V) Ď U is open, where f ´1(V) is the pre-image of V

under f defined by

                                 f ´1(V)      ”  ␣x  P  U  ˇ  f (x)  P  V(  .

Proof. Before proceeding, we recall that B Ď f ´1(f (B)) for all B Ď U and f (f ´1(B)) Ď B
for all B Ď Rm.

“1 ñ 2” Let a P f ´1(V). Then f (a) P V. Since V is open in Rm, D εf(a) ą 0 such that

B(f (a), εf(a)) Ď V . By continuity of f (and Remark 2.13), there exists δa ą 0 such

that                                 ( )(                               )

                                 f B(a, δa) Ď B f (a), εf(a) .

Therefore, for each a P f ´1(V), D δa ą 0 such that

      B(a,  δa)     Ď     f  ´1  (   (   (a,     ))  Ď  f ´1(B(f (a),        ))  Ď   f ´1(V)  .
                                  f   B       δa)                       εf (a)

Therefore, f ´1(V) is open.

“2 ñ 1” Let a P U and ε ą 0 be given. Define V = B(f (a), ε), then V is open. Since
      a P f ´1(V) and f ´1(V) is open by assumption, there exists δ ą 0 such that B(a, δ) Ď
      f ´1(V). Therefore,

                     ()                  Ď    f (f ´1(V))     Ď  V   =  B(f (a), ε)
                    f B(a, δ)

which (with the help of Remark 2.13) implies that f is continuous at a.                          ˝
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