Page 14 - Vector Analysis
P. 14

10 CHAPTER 1. Linear Algebra

Remark 1.33. The matrix product AB is only defined if the number of columns of A is
the same as the number of rows of B. Therefore, even if AB is defined, BA might not make
sense. When A and B are both n ˆ n square matrix, AB and BA are both defined; however,
in general AB ‰ BA.

Remark 1.34. Let v P Fn be a vector such that the k-th component of v is the same as

the (i, k)-th entry of A P M(m, n; F), and w P Fn be a vector such that the k-th component

of w is the same as the (k, j)-th entry of B P M(n, ℓ; F). Then the (i, j)-th entry of AB is

simply the inner product of v and w in Fn.

                          [  1   0   ]                              ´1    
                             0  ´1  2                   2             0   1
Example 1.35. Let A =               1    and   B  =                   1   2. Then

                                                0    1          1
                                    AB =       ´4    1         ´2

but BA is not defined.

Proposition 1.36. Let A P M(m, n; F), B P M(n, ℓ; F) and C P M(ℓ, k; F). Then

                                      A(BC) = (AB)C .

Definition 1.37 (The range and the null space of matrices). Let A P M(m, n; F). The
range of A, denoted by R(A), is the subset of Fm given by

                                R(A)  =  ␣Ax      P  Fm     ˇ  x  P  Fn(  ,

and the null space of A, denoted by null(A), is the subset of Fn given by

                                null(A)  =  ␣x    P  Fn  ˇ  Ax    =  0(   .

Proposition 1.38. Let A P M(m, n; F). Then R(A) and null(A) are vector subspaces of Fn
and Fm, respectively.

Definition 1.39 (Kronecker’s delta). The Kronecker delta is a function, denoted by δ, of

two variables (usually positive integers) such that the function is 1 if the two variables are

equal, and 0 otherwise. When the two variables are i and j, the value δ(i, j) is usually

written as δij; that is,

                                            "  0     if i ‰ j ,
                                               1     if i = j .
                                    δij  =
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