Instructor: Prof. Suh-Yuh Yang (楊肅煜)
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00~12:00 am or by appointment. Teaching assistant: 廖育暄 (
Prerequisites: MA 8019-Numerical Analysis I and some knowledge of the software Matlab: 校園授權軟體服務網裡面有關於Matlab的下載方式說明!
Textbook: David Kincaid and Ward Cheney, Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing, Third Edition, 2002, Brooks/Cole.
Course Objective: This course introduces students with diverse backgrounds to the various types of mathematical analysis that are commonly needed in scientific computing. The subject of numerical analysis is treated from a mathematical point of view, offering a complete analysis of methods for scientific computing with appropriate motivations and careful proofs.
Information: This
course will cover the following topics
Assignments: approximately every two weeks, will consist of theoretical problems or computer projects.
Course Transparency Set: (in PDF) Grading Policy: assignments 40%, midterm 30% and final 30% (學期總成績)
Last updated: February 14, 2025