6/14上課時間舉行第三次段考,考試範圍:Section2.3-2.4, Section 3.1
5/10上課時間舉行第二次段考,考試範圍:Section1.1-1.3, Section 2.1-2.2
考試 : 段考一(含解答), 段考二(含解答), 期末考(含解答)
作業:作業1 (due 3/2), 作業2 (due 3/9), 作業3 (due 3/16), 作業4 (due 4/6), 作業5 (due 4/20), 作業6 (due 4/27), 作業7 (due 5/4), 作業8 (due 5/25), 作業9 (due 6/1), 作業10 (due 6/8)
課程進度 :
Part I : Analytic Geometry:
2/15: Conic sections, focus-directrix definition of the non-degenerate conics (parabola, ellipse)
注:課本第15頁Example 3要加上條件 "...is independent of the choice of P and Q if the slopes of and OM and PQ are defined:"
2/16: Focus-directrix definition of the non-degenerate conics (hyperbola), recognizing conics
2/22: Recognizing conics (continued), Geometry and transformations (Euclidean geometry)
2/23: Euclidean geometry (continued)
3/1: Affine geometry
3/2: Projective plane
3/8: Projective transformation, Fundamental theorem of projective geometry
3/9: Fundamental theorem of projective geometry (continued), Cross ratio
3/15: Cross ratio, projective conics
3/16: Kleinian view of geometry, review for midterm 1
3/22: Midterm 1
Part II : Differential Geometry
3/23: Curves, Examples
3/29: Arclength parametrization, Frenet frame for arclength-parametrized curves
3/30: Frenet frame for non-arclength-parametrized curves
4/5: No class (School holiday)
4/6: Frenet frame for non-arclength-parametrized curves(continued)
4/12: Fundamental theorem of curve theory, Hopf Umlaufsatz (Hopf rotation theorem)
4/13: Hopf Umlaufsatz (continued)
4/19: Parametrized surfaces, First fundamental form
4/20: Shape operator
4/26: Shape operator (continued), Second fundamental form
4/27: Second fundamental form (continued)
5/3: Codazzi and Gauss equations
5/4: Review for midterm2
5/10: Midterm 2
5/11: Fundamental Theorem of Surface
5/17: Covariant differentiation, Parallel translation
5/18: Parallel translation (continued)
5/24: Geodesic, Clairaut's relation
5/25: Geodesic(continued), Holonomy
5/31: Holonomy and the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
6/1: Holonomy and the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem (continued)
6/7: The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem (continued)
6/8: Review for Final
6/14: Final
Office hour and Office:
黃榮宗老師:星期三下午1點至3點或預約, 鴻經館418, 分機:65152
廖欣瑩助教:預約,鴻經館417, 分機:65134
1. 段考一: Geometry by D. A. Brannan, M. F. Esplen, J. J. Gray, 2nd edition, 上課講義請至LMS系統下載
2. 段考二及期末考: Differential Geometry: A First Course in Curves and Surfaces, Lectures notes by Professor Theodore Shifrin, Link
1. 邱鴻麟老師講義
2. Elementary Differential Geometry, by Andrew Pressley, 2nd edition. Springer
Part I: Analytic Geometry (Geometry by D. A. Brannan, M. F. Esplen, J. J. Gray, 2nd edition)
1. Conic Section: P.14 Problem 7; P.16 Problem 8; P.18 Problem 9;
P.38 Problem 1; P.42 Problem 2, Problem 3; P.52 Section 1,1 #4, #5; P.
55 Section 1.3 #1
2. Affine Geometry: Section 2.1 Problem 3~8; Section 2.2 Probelm 1~3; Section 2.3 Probelm 1~5;
Exercises: Section 2.1 #2~4, #5; Section 2.2 #1~4,
Section 2.3 #1~6, Section 2.5 #2
3. Projective Geometry: Section 3.2, Problem 1~10, Section 3.3 Problem 1~9, Section Problem 1, 2, 3, 7
Exercises: Section 3.2 #1~6, Section 3.3 #1~6, Section 3.5 #1~5
Part II: Differential Geometry (Lecture notes by Professor Theodore Shifrin)
Chapter 1. Curves:
1. Examples, Arclength Parametrization: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12
2. Local Theory: Frenet Frame: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11
3. Some Global Results : 1, 3, 4
Chapter 2. Surfaces: Local theory
1. Parametrized Surfaces and the First Fundamental Form: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11(a), 15, 16(a)
2. The Gauss Map and the Second Fundamental Form: 1,
2, 3, 4(Find the principal curvatures and the principal directions
only), 6, 7, 10(b), 13
3. The Codazzi and Gauss Equations and the Fundamental Theorem of
Surface Theory: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 18(a)(c)(d), 19
4. Covariant Differentiation, Parallel Translation, and Geodesics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13(a)(b), 19
3. Surfaces: Global theory
1. Holonomy and the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8(a)(b)(c)(d), 9(a)(b)(c)(d), 11(a)(b)